Monday, January 02, 2006



Easily the best movie I've seen in a long time!

Hello every one...I'm back! Happy new year! Jeanne and I had a nice holiday...and, I hope you did, too. I'm back to work today (Monday).

I have no plans to become a movie reviewer - because I really don't go to that many movies - but I have to tell you about one we saw yesterday. We rented "Crash."

"Crash" is, without a doubt, the best film I've seen in years. The plot line and characters held me from the opening moments to the closing scene. It was brilliantly written, brilliantly acted and brilliantly shot. I'm sure it will get Oscar considerations.

I know "Crash" has been out for quite a while - after all, we were able to rent it - so, you may have already seen it. But, if you haven't, I urge you to spend a couple bucks and watch it.

Chicago Tribune film critic Roger Ebert calls "Crash" the best film of the year. I haven't seen many others, so I can't comment on that, but it was very, very good!

Even if it doesn't get an Oscar, it gets a "Willy!"
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