Monday, August 08, 2005
Peter Jennings 1938 - 2005
I was saddened to get a phone call last night, informing me of the death of Peter Jennings. I must admit that Peter's death came as no real surprise - we knew that he was gravely ill. Peter was so much larger than life that I think we hoped he could beat his illness...even when it became apparent there was no hope.
Peter paid a few visits to WLS. He was very much "all business" - with little time for chit chat - but I did enjoy my brief interactions with him.
I'm reminded of two personal Peter Jennings stories...
Many years ago - long before I worked for ABC - I wrote to Peter, asking for an autographed photo (I used to collect them). He sent back a personally autographed pic, inscribed with the words, "Don't let the bastards get you down." While the thought of Peter Jennings quoting Kris Kristofferson was a bit unsettling, his words have have been good advice in this business.
And, in the summer of 2003 - when race riots erupted in Benton Harbor, Michigan - ABC News Radio sent me to Benton Harbor to cover the story. Back then, Peter was anchoring the 4pm Central Time ABC Radio was a glamour thing for the radio side, and free promotion for the TV side. I'll never forget the thrill of hearing Peter Jennings say the words "ABC's Steve Scott is there live...Steve." And, he even ended it with his trademark "Many thanks, Steve...ABC's Steve Scott in Benton Harbor, Michigan."
It just found that piece in the archives this morning...and listened to it three or four times. I don't mind saying it was pretty cool to be "many thanks'd" by Peter Jennings.