Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Save George!

There's a great column by my former softball teammate Mark Brown in today's Sun-Times.

It seems that, with just a few keystrokes and the click of a mouse, you can now help former Illinois Governor George Ryan fight the federal corruption charges against him.

Yes, George Ryan now has an online legal defense fund.

I'm reminded of my days covering Ryan when he was governor. For a time, I considered changing my first name from "Steve" to "Goddammit." I recall a couple of occasions - including one where I staked out the guv until 3am as he mediated a hotel strike - that I was greeted with, "Goddammit Scott, what are you doing here?"

See ya in court, George.

By the way...the Ryan trial is making for some strange bedfellows. The U.S. Attorney's office in Chicago - rarely, if ever mentioned as a friend of the news media - actually sided with the journalism community...in opposing an attempt by Ryan's lawyers to block the media from attending jury selection in the ex-Guv's corruption trial. The Feds said - and rightfully so - that potential jurors would be just as intimidated by Ryan as they would by reporters.

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald and the media agreeing on something? Is there a frost warning out in Hell?

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